The paper mache stars were finished and delivered to Grace. It was a lot of fun, but hear me when I say I hope I don't see paper mache any time soon. There were five in total- two six pointed, two eight pointed, and one 'star of bethlehem', each about four and a half feet in diameter. All were made from Pex pipe, twine, paper, flour, and water.
Such beauty! The skies have been competing each day to see who can be the prettiest. It's fine with me; winter's gray cloak will settle down around the mountains' shoulders all too soon. We had the nicest of snows on Saturday. It wasn't too cold, and there wasn't a lot of ice and muck. Just enough to enjoy and play in!
Making the stars and watching out the garage windows has made me think so much about light- how it changes, the different moods...and of course, the Light. This Advent season so far has felt quiet and peaceful. Just enjoying the moments as they come.
"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." Isaiah 9:2
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